File logging
You can log on a file:
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response }
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route
import khalyomede.mantis.logging { Log }
import khalyomede.mantis.logging.channel { File }
fn main() {
app := create_app(
log: Log{
channel: File{
path: "logs/mantis.log"
routes: [
route.post(name: "contact.store", path: "/contact", callback: fn (app App) !Response {
app.log.debug("Contact form sent.")!
return app.response.redirect("/", {})
app.serve() or { panic(err) }
2024-12-26T17:36:45.896350428Z] [DBUG] Contact form sent.
Learn all the available method in the Logging documentation.