Mantis provides type-safe HTML generation through V functions.
Create HTML elements using Mantis's typed functions:
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { div, p, a }
fn main() {
// Simple element
intro := div({}, ['Hello world'])
// Nested elements
landing := div({}, [
p({}, ['A paragraph']),
a({'href': '/'}, ['Home'])
println(landing) // <div><p>A paragraph</p><a href="/">Home</a></div>
Anonymous element
If your HTML element is not included in the available elements, you can create a custom one.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { anon }
fn main() {
content := anon("x-searchable-dropdown", {}, [
"Search by name"
], false)
println(content) // <x-searchable-dropdown>Search by name</x-searchable-dropdown>
If your custom element is not accepting content (an orphan), pass the last parameter to true
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { anon }
fn main() {
content := anon("x-alert", {}, [], true)
println(content) // <x-alert />
Every element accepts an attributes map as its first parameter:
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { div, a }
fn main() {
// Single attribute
content := div({
'class': 'container'
}, ['content'])
println(content) // <div class="container">content</div>
// Multiple attributes
link := a({
'href': '/login',
'class': 'btn btn-primary',
'id': 'login-button'
}, ['Log in'])
println(link) // <a href="/login" class="btn btn-primary" id="login-button">Log in</a>
Component functions
Break down your views into reusable functions:
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { button, div }
// A reusable button component
fn primary_button(text string) string {
return button({
'class': 'btn btn-primary',
'type': 'button'
}, [text])
// A card component that accepts content
fn card(content string) string {
return div({
'class': 'card'
}, [
'class': 'card-body'
}, [content])
fn main() {
// Using components
content := div({}, [
primary_button('Click me')
Loop through your items to create list of HTML elements:
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { ul, li }
struct User {
name string
fn main() {
users := [
// Create list items from data
list := ul({},
li({}, [])
println(list) // <ul><li>John</li><li>Jane</li></ul>
Available elements
a | body | button | code |
div | footer | h1 | head |
header | html | li | link |
main | nav | p | pre |
script | small | span | style |
title | ul |
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { a }
fn main() {
content := a({
'href': ''
}, ['Visit site'])
println(content) // <a href="">Visit site</a>
Contains the visible content of the document.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { body, div }
fn main() {
content := body({}, [
div({}, ['Page content'])
println(content) // <body><div>Page content</div></body>
Clickable element.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { button }
fn main() {
content := button({
'type': 'submit'
}, ['Save'])
println(content) // <button type="submit">Save</button>
Code snippets.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { code }
fn main() {
content := code({}, ['v run main.v'])
println(content) // <code>v run main.v</code>
A generic container for flow content.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { div }
fn main() {
content := div({
'class': 'container'
}, ['Content here'])
println(content) // <div class="container">Content here</div>
The lower section of the docuemnt.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { footer }
fn main() {
content := footer({}, [
'© 2024 My Website'
println(content) // <footer>© 2024 My Website</footer>
Level 1 title.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { h1 }
fn main() {
content := h1({}, ['Main Title'])
println(content) // <h1>Main Title</h1>
Contains metadata about the document.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { head, title }
fn main() {
content := head({}, [
title({}, ['My Page'])
println(content) // <head><title>My Page</title></head>
Introductory content or navigation.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { header, h1 }
fn main() {
content := header({}, [
h1({}, ['Page Title'])
println(content) // <header><h1>Page Title</h1></header>
The root element of an HTML document.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { html, head, body }
fn main() {
content := html({}, [
head({}, []),
body({}, ['Hello world'])
println(content) // <html><head></head><body>Hello world</body></html>
List item.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { li }
fn main() {
content := li({}, ['List item'])
println(content) // <li>List item</li>
Links to external resources like CSS files.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { link }
fn main() {
content := link({
'rel': 'stylesheet',
'href': '/css/app.css'
println(content) // <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/app.css" />
The dominant content of the document.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { main }
fn main() {
content := main({}, ['Primary content'])
println(content) // <main>Primary content</main>
Section with navigation links.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { nav, a }
fn main() {
content := nav({}, [
a({'href': '/'}, ['Home']),
a({'href': '/about'}, ['About'])
println(content) // <nav><a href="/">Home</a><a href="/about">About</a></nav>
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { p }
fn main() {
content := p({}, ['Some text content.'])
println(content) // <p>Some text content.</p>
### pre
Preformatted text.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { pre, code }
fn main() {
content := pre({}, [
code({}, ['fn main() {\n println("Hello")\n}'])
println(content) // <pre><code>fn main() {\n println("Hello")\n}</code></pre>
Adds JavaScript to the page.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { script }
fn main() {
content := script({
'src': '/js/app.js'
}, [])
println(content) // <script src="/js/app.js"></script>
### small
Side comments or small print.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { small }
fn main() {
content := small({}, ['Terms apply'])
println(content) // <small>Terms apply</small>
Inline container.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { span }
fn main() {
content := span({
'class': 'highlight'
}, ['Important text'])
println(content) // <span class="highlight">Important text</span>
Adds CSS styles to the page.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { style }
fn main() {
content := style({}, [
'.container { max-width: 1200px; }'
println(content) // <style>.container { max-width: 1200px; }</style>
Defines the document's title shown in browser tab.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { title }
fn main() {
content := title({}, ['My Website'])
println(content) // <title>My Website</title>
Unordered list.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.html { ul, li }
fn main() {
content := ul({}, [
li({}, ['First item']),
li({}, ['Second item'])
println(content) // <ul><li>First item</li><li>Second item</li></ul>