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Error Handling

Mantis provides two main methods for handling errors in your application:


Use when you need to both report an error and return an error response:

module main

import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response, HttpError } 
import khalyomede.mantis.http.response
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route

fn main() {
  app := create_app(
    routes: [
      route.get(name: "index", path: "/", callback: fn (app App) Response {
        search := app.request.query("search") or {
          return app.handle_error(HttpError{ 
            code: .not_found
            message: "The search term was missing."

        return response.html(content: "You search is ${search}.")

  app.serve() or { panic(err) }

This will:

  1. Report the error (e.g., log it)
  2. Generate and return a response according to how the error handler is configured to render errors (see the custom error handler section)


Use when you need to log an error but want to continue processing:

module main

import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response, HttpError } // [!code:focus]
import khalyomede.mantis.http.response
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route

fn main() {
  app := create_app(
    routes: [
      route.get(name: "index", path: "/", callback: fn (app App) Response {
        theme := app.session.get("theme") or {
            code: .unprocessable_entity
            message: 'Could not load user theme preferences, falling back to light mode'


        return response.html(content: "Current theme: ${theme}")

  app.serve() or { panic(err) }

Error Types

Mantis provides built-in error types for common scenarios:

import khalyomede.mantis.http { HttpError, ValidationError }

// For HTTP errors
  code: .not_found     // Status enum (.ok, .not_found, .server_error...)
  message: string      // Error message

// For validation errors
  message: string      // Error message

Content Types

The default error handler automatically detects and responds with the appropriate format:

// Browser requests get HTML
Accept: text/html
=> HTML error page

// API requests get JSON
Accept: application/json
=> JSON error response

Custom Error Handler

You can customize error handling by providing your own handler:

module main

import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response, ErrorHandler } 
import khalyomede.mantis.html { h1, div, p }
import khalyomede.mantis.http.response
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route
import khalyomede.mantis.console

fn main() {
  app := create_app(
    error_handler: ErrorHandler{ 
      report: fn (app App, err IError) {
        // Custom error reporting logic
      render: fn (app App, err IError) Response {
        // Custom error rendering logic
        return response.html(
          content: h1({}, ['Oops! Something went wrong'])
          status: .server_error
    routes: [
      route.get(name: "index", path: "/", callback: fn (app App) Response {
        return response.html(content: div({}, ["Home page"]))

  app.serve() or { panic(err) }