Error Handling
Errors can be handled on a central place if you need to report and render errors in a consistent way.
Automatic error reporting
All routes and middlewares callbacks have the !
before !Response
, indicating uncatched errors will be passed to your error handler.
For example, when validating data, instead of manual error handling, you can just let it fail. The error handler will take care of any unhandled errors.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response }
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route
import khalyomede.mantis.validation { validate, Min, Value, Rule }
fn main() {
app := create_app(
routes: [
route.get(name: "index", path: "/", callback: fn (app App) !Response {
search := app.request.query("search") or { "" }
data := {
"search": Value(search)
rules := {
"search": [
validate(data, rules)! // any errors will be rendered/reported
return app.response.html(content: "You search is ${search}.")
app.serve() or { panic(err) }
This will:
- Report the error (e.g., log it)
- Render the error (according to how the error handler has been configured, see the custom error handler section) and return it
Refer to V documentation about the built-in error type for more information.
Erorr reporting
Use when you need to log an error but want to continue processing:
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response, HttpError } // [!code:focus]
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route
fn main() {
app := create_app(
routes: [
route.get(name: "index", path: "/", callback: fn (app App) !Response {
theme := app.session.get("theme") or { // Just log it, no rendering
"light" // default value
return app.response.html(content: "Current theme: ${theme}")
app.serve() or { panic(err) }
Custom Error Handler
By default a simple error handler is configured, which will return blank errors (with no styling) and log in the server console any errors.
You can customize the error handler by providing your own like following:
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response, ErrorHandler }
import khalyomede.mantis.html { h1, div, p }
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route
import khalyomede.mantis.console
fn main() {
app := create_app(
error_handler: ErrorHandler{
report: fn (app App, err IError) {
// Custom error reporting logic
render: fn (app App, err IError) Response {
// Custom error rendering logic
return app.response.html(
content: h1({}, ['Oops! Something went wrong'])
status: .server_error
routes: [
route.get(name: "index", path: "/", callback: fn (app App) !Response {
return app.response.html(content: div({}, ["Home page"]))
app.serve() or { panic(err) }