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Learn how to use databases within your HTTP app.


Mantis currently only supports SQLite databases.


Configure your database connection in your HTTP App:

module main

import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response }
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route
import khalyomede.mantis.database { Database, DatabaseConnection } 

struct Post {
  id int
  title string

fn main() {
  app := create_app(
    database: Database{ 
      connection: DatabaseConnection{
        driver: .sqlite
        database: 'database.sqlite'
    routes: [
        name: ""
        path: "/post/{id}"
        callback: fn (app App) !Response {
          // The ? indicates this might not find an ID
          id := app.route_parameter("id") or {
            return app.response.html(
              content: "Post not found",
              status: .not_found

          mut app_ref := app

          posts := app_ref.database.all[Post]("SELECT id, title FROM posts")!

          post := posts[0] or {
            return app.response.html(
              content: "Post not found",
              status: .not_found

          return app.response.html(content: "Post (id ${id}): ${post.title}")

  app.serve() or { panic(err) }